Register Number
15128 R
(Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit
Societies Act 2014)
1. The Canvey Island Conservative Club Limited, being the Society, and hereinafter referred to as “the Club" shall have its registered office at Fielder House, 59 Long Road, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 OJA.
2. The registered name of the Club shall appear on the outside of its registered office, in a conspicuous position and in letters easily legible, and shall appear in legible characters in all of its business correspondence, business documents, notices, advertisements and other official publications and in all bills of exchange, promissory notes, endorsements, cheques and orders for money or goods, purporting to be signed by or on behalf of the Club and on the Club website..
3. The objects of the Club shall be to carry on the business of a Club, and in so doing, to promote by all proper means the principles of Conservatism, and the implementation of the Conservative Party's policies.
4. The Club shall be affiliated to and inter-affiliated with the Association of Conservative Clubs Limited and subject to the Rules and Regulations thereof.
5. The Club premises shall be open to the members during such hours as determined by the Committee and in accordance with the Club Premises Certificate.
6. The permitted hours for the supply of intoxicating liquor shall be determined by the Committee in accordance with current legislation and the Club Premises Certificate.
7. The election of members shall be vested solely in the Committee and only Conservatives, being subscribing members or financial supporters of the Conservative Party, not being under 18 years of age, shall be eligible for membership.
8.No person who has been expelled from this or any other Conservative Club affiliated to or inter-affiliated with the Association of Conservative Clubs Limited shall be proposed as a candidate, or make use of the Club premises, except by consent of the Committee.
9. Any member may propose a candidate for membership and shall be able from personal knowledge to vouch for the candidate’s respectability and fitness to be a member. The proposer shall sign a nomination form, as shall the candidate, who by so doing, shall pledge to support the Conservative party and to abide by the rules of the Club now, or hereafter, in force, in the event of their being elected a member.
10. The names of each candidate, and the name of their proposer, shall be posted on the Club Notice Board at least 2 days before their membership induction.
11. Any member who is of the opinion that any proposed candidate would not be a desirable member, shall inform the Secretary who shall communicate the objection to the Committee.
12. No rejected candidate shall again be proposed as a member until the expiration of 12 months from the date of such rejection.
13. The Committee require the attendance of the proposer and their candidate at a membership induction meeting.
14. No candidate shall be admitted to the privileges of membership until they have been formally elected a member by the Committee and paid their first subscription, together with a joining fee and shall have paid for and have been allotted one share.
15.The capital shall consist of shares of 12p each which shall be neither transferable nor withdrawable. Every person on election shall pay for one share (Rule 16). If any person shall cease to be a member of the Club for any cause whatsoever, the amount paid on their share shall be forfeited and the share shall be cancelled. No member shall hold more than one share.
16.Honorary Membership
The Committee shall have power to elect as honorary members, without entrance fee or annual subscription, a person, not being under 18 years of age, who is a subscribing member or financial supporter of the Conservative Party and who has rendered valuable services to the Club. One share shall be allotted without payment to an honorary member. Such honorary members shall enjoy the full rights and privileges of membership.
17. Staff Membership
The Committee shall have the power to grant staff membership, without entrance fee or annual subscription, to a person not being under 18 years of age whilst they are in the employ of the Club. Staff members may be admitted to the Club and intoxicating liquor may be supplied for consumption on the premises but shall not attend (except in the case of an employed Secretary) or vote at meetings.
18. Any member whose political actions are found to be inconsistent with the Rules shall be expelled from membership of the Club.
19. No unlawful betting or gaming, unruly drunkenness, bad language or disorderly conduct shall be permitted on the Club premises.
20. It shall be the duty of any member of the Committee or member of the Club to take every available means for putting a stop to the offences in question, and to report them forthwith to the Committee through the duty Steward or the Secretary.
21.Any Committee member or the duty Steward shall be empowered to immediately withdraw the facilities of membership from any member whose conduct in the Club endangers the welfare or good order of the Club and such members shall have no right of re-entry to the Club premises until the matter has been considered by the Committee.
22. Any complaint or complaints against a member shall be considered by the Committee at the earliest opportunity.
23. (a) If the Committee are of the opinion that the complaint or complaints do not warrant the member(s) to appear before them, the member(s) in question must be immediately notified to this effect and they shall be free to resume normal rights as a member.
(b) If the Committee are of the opinion that the complaint or complaints against a member does warrant the member to appear before them, at least 7 clear days’ notice in writing shall be given to the member, and the notice shall contain a statement specifying the precise details of the complaint or complaints brought against them and whether or not the facilities of membership have been, or continue to be, withdrawn.
24. No member shall be suspended from the facilities of membership or expelled from membership of the Club without being first appearing before the Committee and given the opportunity to defend themselves.
A majority decision of the Committee present to vote must be achieved to impose any suspension or expulsion.
25.Should a member fail to appear before the Committee having given no prior reasonable explanation, the case can proceed and be dealt with by the Committee in the members absence.
26. Members of Clubs inter-affiliated with the Association of Conservative Clubs Limited may, subject to the Rules and Regulations of that Association, on presentation of their Inter-Affiliation card be admitted to the Club premises and intoxicating liquor may be sold to them by or on behalf of the Club for consumption on the premises.
27. Every member (Including affiliate members) shall be permitted to introduce family or friends as guests. Guests shall be subject to the same rules of conduct as members and must not remain on the premises when the member leaves. Guests shall not attend or vote at meetings.
28. The Committee shall have the power to refuse the admission of any guest if in their opinion it is desirable in the interests of the Club and no person who:
⦁ has been expelled from this or any other Conservative Club affiliated to or inter-affiliated with the
Association of Conservative Clubs Limited; or
⦁ has at the request of the Committee resigned their membership; or
⦁ having been a candidate for membership election, has been rejected: or
⦁ is in arrears (Rule 36).
29. The names of the guest and the name of the member by whom introduced shall be written in the Visitors Book kept for that purpose.
30. Members of other Clubs invited to take part in organised games tournaments and other recreational activities, members, officials and supporters of visiting teams invited to participate in organised games, tournaments and members of the Conservative and Unionist Associations or branches thereof affiliated to be the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations meetings for political or social purposes may, at the absolute discretion of the Committee, be admitted to the premises, intoxicating liquor may be sold to them by or on behalf of the Club for consumption on the premises.
31. The Club shall keep at its registered office a register of members as required by the Act and the following will be included:
⦁ Name and postal address and, where provided, an electronic address
⦁ The date at which each person was entered in the Register as a member, and the date at
which any person ceased to be a member
⦁ Whether the member is a member of staff or of the Committee (including any position
held within the Committee and the date the person took office)
32. Any member changing home or e-mail address shall inform the Club in writing; and until such notice is given, all communications sent to the last address shall be deemed to have been served to the member.
33. The annual subscription fee shall be determined by the Committee and reviewed annually.
34. Subscriptions shall be paid on admission to membership of the Club and subsequently be due on the 1st November each year.
35. Every member when on the Club premises should be able to produce proof of current membership whenever called upon to do so by any member of staff or other person authorised by the Committee to make such demand.
36. A suspended member shall remain liable to pay their subscription.
37. If any member fails to pay their subscription within 28 days after the due date, they shall be considered in arrears, and notice of the default shall be sent in writing. Any member in arrears shall not be permitted to make use of the Club or take part in its affairs. If the sum due be not paid within another 21 days, membership shall be terminated.
38. A person whose membership of the Club was terminated under Rule 36 can regain membership on payment of their annual subscription for the entire year. Once a full year (from 1st November) has passed without the annual subscription being paid, a person must re-apply for membership (Rules 7-14).
39. Membership shall terminate:
(a) On resignation (Any member wishing to resign must send a written notice to the Secretary).
(b) On non-payment of subscription (Rule 36).
(c) On expulsion (Rule 18 or Rule 49).
(d) On ceasing to be a subscribing member or financial supporter of the Conservative
Party (Rule 7).
(e) On death.
40. There shall be a maximum of 15 members of the Committee (including the Officers of the Club).
41. The Officers of the Club shall consist of a President, a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Treasurer and a Secretary (the Officers act under the superintendence, control and direction of the Committee).
42. Elections by ballot will be held on an annual basis, in the month preceding the Annual General Meeting.
43. All members of the Committee will be elected to serve a 2 year term.
44. The President (or in the Presidents absence, the Chairman) shall preside at all meetings (other than Committee meetings) of the Club.
Chairman and Vice Chairman
45. The Chairman (or in his absence the Vice Chairman) shall preside over all Committee meetings and, in the absence of the President, those of the Club.
46. The Treasurer is responsible for seeing that all moneys are duly banked and shall scrutinise the financial activity and performance of the Club and produce relevant financial documents at every Committee meeting to provide assurances. Financial decisions outside of regular business as usual should be considered by the Treasurer to enable recommendations to be made by the Committee.
47. The Secretary can either be elected (Rules 50 to 55) or appointed as an employee (Rule 48). The Secretary is the Officer primarily responsible for seeing that the Club is compliant with the relevant Licensing legislation. The Secretary shall keep the documents and papers of the club in good order and shall summons all meetings at the Club.
48. The Committee shall conduct the general business of the Club, regulate the internal management, have power to enforce Rules, and make such bye-laws as may be necessary for the conduct of the Club in conformity with these Rules.
49. The appointment and dismissal of the Stewards, the Secretary (when employed as such) and the Club's Office staff shall be vested solely in the Committee. The Committee shall retain overall responsibility for all other staff members but may delegate appointment and dismissal to the Club Steward.
50. The Committee have power to reprimand, suspend from the facilities of membership (for a period not exceeding 6 months), or expel from membership of the Club any member:
⦁ who has infringed any rule;
⦁ whose conduct in or outside of the Club has in their opinion been prejudicial to the Conservative
Cause, or to the character or interests of the Club;
⦁ guilty of conduct likely to endanger the welfare, unanimity or good order of the Club.
51. Every Committee candidate shall be proposed and seconded by 2 members entitled to vote.
52. At least 21 days prior to the day appointed for the commencement of the ballot, a notice shall be posted on a Club Notice Board, inviting the nominations of candidates for the Committee, including the Officer positions. The notice shall remain posted for 10 days.
53. In the event of a ballot being required:-
⦁ The names of all Committee candidates, together with the names of their proposers and seconders, shall be posted on a notice board 7 days before the day appointed for the commencement of the ballot and there they shall remain until the result of the ballot has been declared.
⦁ The ballots are to remain open for not less than 3 hours on 2 consecutive days. The number of hours and days during which the ballot shall remain open will be determined by the Committee and a notice put on the Club notice board to that effect.
⦁ Each member of the Club (excluding staff members) shall have one vote for each vacancy, and no member shall give more than one vote to any candidate.
⦁ The Committee shall appoint three scrutineers to carry out the ballot under their direction. No Committee member or Committee candidate may be appointed a scrutineer.
54. The names of the Committee members and Officers or the result of the ballot shall be declared at the ensuing Annual General or Special General Meeting.
55. In the case of a tie between any two or more candidates and where there is only one remaining place available, the names of such candidates shall be written on pieces of paper, which shall be folded and placed in a receptacle and from which the Chairman shall draw names to fill those vacancies. The members whose names are thus drawn shall be declared duly elected.
56. If a member is elected for two offices, they shall choose which office they wish to fill. The vacancy thus arising shall be filled by the unsuccessful candidate with the highest number of votes, but if there shall be no such candidate, the office shall be filled by the Meeting who shall elect by ballot a member to fill the office.
57. Any casual vacancy occurring within the Committee, except vacancies occasioned by removal (Rule 61), can be filled up by the Committee who shall appoint a person to fill the office. Any person so appointed shall remain in office for the remainder of the departing Committee members term of office.
58. Any member of the Committee who is suspended from the privileges of membership shall also cease to be a member of the Committee for the duration of that suspension
59. In the event of a member of the Committee resigning from the Committee, any vacancy so caused shall be filled as provided in Rule 56.
60. Any member of the Committee ceasing to be a member of the Club, shall cease to be a member of the Committee. Any vacancy so caused shall be filled as provided in Rule 56.
61. In the event of the whole Committee resigning at any time, the Club shall obtain nominations for a new Committee within 7 days and, where necessary, a ballot shall be held for the election of a new Committee within 14 days of such resignation. The result of the ballot shall be declared at a Special General Meeting within 21 days of such resignation.
62. The Committee, or any member or members thereof, may be removed from office by a majority of three-fourths of the members of the Club present and voting at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. The election of a new Committee or any member or members thereof shall take place in the manner prescribed in Rule 60.
63. The Committee shall meet at least once a month. 4 members shall form a quorum. The Chairman (or in the Chairman’s absence, the vice Chairman, or in their absence a Chairman elected by the meeting) shall preside.
64. Any member of the Committee being absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the Committee shall, unless having sent a written explanation which the Committee shall deem satisfactory, cease to be a Member of the Committee. Any vacancy so caused shall be filled as provided in Rule 56.
65. At the first meeting after the Annual General Meeting the Committee shall appoint Committee members to the Sub-committees. All members of the Club can be co-opted on to any sub-committee.
66. Each member shall have one vote and in the event of equality of votes the presiding member of the meeting shall have in addition to their vote as a member of the Committee a second or casting vote.
67. Any resolution passed by the Committee cannot be rescinded at the following Committee meeting unless approved by the Chairman that there is a significant business need to do so. Instead, notice shall be given at the following Committee meeting of the intention to propose such rescission.
68. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of March on a day to be fixed by the Committee.
69. Notice of such Annual General Meeting shall be exhibited on the Club notice board at least 21 days before the date appointed for the Meeting.
70. Notice of any question or request for inclusion in the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting must be submitted in writing to the Secretary within 10 days of the posting of the notice summoning the Meeting.
71. The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall be posted on the Club notice board for at least 7 clear days before the date appointed for the Meeting. No business other than that specified in the agenda shall be transacted at the meeting.
72. A copy of the last audited accounts and report shall be posted on the Club notice board at least seven days before the Annual General Meeting and shall be kept always hung up in a conspicuous place in the Registered Office.
73. At the Annual General Meeting the audited accounts and report shall be presented, together with a report of the ballot for the new Committee.
74. At the Annual General Meeting 10 members excluding the Committee shall form a quorum. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to such day and time as the members present may determine. If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present the members present shall be a quorum.
75. No want of a quorum occurring after the presiding Officer has opened the meeting shall make a meeting incompetent to transact business.
76. The Chairman or Secretary shall summon Special General Meetings as follows:
⦁ In accordance with Rule 60 (Resignation of Committee).
⦁ At the direction of the Committee.
⦁ Upon a request forwarded to the Secretary signed by one-fifth of the members or 30 members,
whichever is the less, stating the objects of such meeting. Meetings summoned under this paragraph
shall be held within not less than 14 days and not more than 21 days from the date of the receipt of the
request by the Secretary. Should the Secretary not convene a Special General Meeting within 7 clear
days after a duly signed requisition has been delivered, any of the requisitionists may call such meeting
in accordance with Rule 76.
77. Notice of any Special General Meeting, and of the object for which it is called, shall be exhibited on the Club notice board a clear 14 days before the date appointed for such meeting (except in the case of a Special General Meeting called under Rule 61) and no other business except that for which the meeting has been convened shall be brought before a Special General Meeting.
78. At a Special General Meeting one-fifth of the members, or 10 members excluding the committee, whichever is the less, shall form a quorum. If within half an hour from the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of members, shall be dissolved; in any other case it shall stand adjourned to such day and at such time as the members present may determine. If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present the members present shall be a quorum.
79. No want of quorum occurring after the presiding Officer has opened the meeting shall make a meeting incompetent to transact business.
80. Any Annual General or Special General Meeting may be adjourned to such time as a majority of the Committee shall decide, but no business other than that which could have been transacted at the original meeting shall be brought forward at such adjourned meetings.
81. At all General Meetings every member present (including Committee members) shall have one vote on each resolution.
82. Subject to the Act any vote undertaken is declared in line with the majority of the vote.
83. No resolution passed at an Annual General or Special General Meeting shall be rescinded unless notice of the intention to propose such rescission shall have been given to the Secretary at least 21 days before the date appointed for the subsequent Annual General or Special General Meeting.
84. The Committee shall appoint a qualified auditor to audit and report on its annual accounts and balance sheet. The appointment of the Auditors is to be undertaken in line with the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.
85. If the Auditor declares they do not wish to undertake the audit after the year end but before the audit was undertaken, a new auditor must be appointed at the earliest opportunity.
86. None of the following persons shall be appointed as auditor of the Club:
(a) a Committee member or employee of the Club,
(b) a person who is a partner, or in the employment of or who employs a Committee member or employee of the Club.
87. Any Committee or staff member shall have the power to incur expenditure and to give orders to tradesmen and others for goods or other things necessary for carrying out the purposes of the Club, if prior authorisation has been agreed by the Committee. No Committee or Staff member shall have power to incur expenditure nor give any such orders without prior authority.
88. Members of the Club may not instruct the undertaking/ provision of any goods or services but are entitled to contract with the Club for the supply by them of goods and services, however, they will not then participate in any vote or decision consideration at either a Committee Meeting or General Meeting where doing so would be a conflict of interest.
89. Any annual surplus of the Club shall be applied in such manner as the Committee consider best in the interests of the Club and in furtherance of the Objects of the Club.
90. The Committee may invest any funds of the Club in any investment referred to in section 27 of the Co-operative and community Benefits societies Act 2014, but not otherwise.
91. The Club shall have the power to borrow money for the purposes of the Club and to issue loan stock and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed by mortgaging or charging any of its property provided that the amount of money borrowed for the time being remaining undischarged shall not exceed £100,000 and that the interest paid or to be paid in respect of any money borrowed shall not exceed 6% per annum or 1% above Barclays Bank PLC base lending rate whichever is the higher and the Committee shall have the power to determine from time to time the terms and conditions upon which money is borrowed or loan stock issued and to vary such terms and conditions.
92. The Club shall not receive money on deposit.
93. Upon a claim being made by the personal representative of a deceased member or the trustee in bankruptcy of a bankrupt member to any property in the Club belonging to the deceased or bankrupt member the Committee shall transfer or pay such property to which the personal representative or trustee in bankruptcy may direct them.
A member may in accordance with the Act nominate any person or persons to whom any of his property in the club at the time of his death shall be transferred, but such nomination shall only be valid to the extent of the amount for the time being provided in the Act. On receiving satisfactory proof of death of a member who has made a nomination the Committee shall, in accordance with the Act, either transfer or pay the full value of the property comprised in the nomination to the person entitled thereunder.
94. Any proposed amendments to the Rules of the Club must following Committee approval be approved by majority vote at either an Annual General or Special General Meeting. Any changes must not contradict the legal requirements of the Licensing Act, the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act or any other relevant Act or statutory requirement.
95. Amended versions of the Rules must be registered with the Co-operative and Community Benefit Society. Written notice of any amendment of Rules must be provided to the FCA (two copies) and the Local Authority – signed by the Secretary and by three of its members.
96. The Club may be dissolved by the consent of three-fourths of the members, testified by their signatures to an instrument of dissolution in the form provided by the regulations in that behalf, or by winding up in the manner prescribed in the Act. Upon the dissolution of the Club, all of its assets, after the discharge of its debts and liabilities, shall be transferred to the Association of Conservative Clubs Limited for furthering the objects as specified in these Rules.
⦁ All complaints shall be made in writing to the Secretary.
⦁ Non adherence to the rules that result in membership sanctions being imposed could
result in employment disciplinary action.
⦁ The conduct of an employee shall in no instance be made a matter of personal
reprimand by anyone other than the Stewards or the Secretary. All other complaints
against employees should be made to the Steward, or in writing to the Secretary.
⦁ Finance Committee (for which the Treasurer must be a member, and the Finance Officer
must be an executive member)
⦁ Health and Safety Committee (for which the Secretary must be a member)
⦁ Building Committee
⦁ Housekeeping Committee
⦁ Entertainments and Sports Committee
⦁ Snooker Committee
Their membership does not have to be composed entirely of persons elected from the Club committee (other than any Sub-committee concerned with the purchase or supply of intoxicating liquor on the Club’s behalf).
Other Sub-Committees can be established and disbanded in line with the needs of the Club at any point in time upon agreement of the Committee.
⦁ All members should pay every expense they incur in the Club before they leave the
⦁ No advertisement, notice, placard or equivalent shall be posted or distributed on or
about the Club premises without the permission of the Committee or some person
authorised by them.
⦁ Any person damaging the furniture or other property of the Club shall make good to the
satisfaction of the Committee. No member shall take away, damage or destroy any
assets or property of the Club without appropriate authorisation to do so.
⦁ All members and their guests whilst on the Club premises shall maintain such suitable
standard of dress as the Committee in their absolute discretion shall determine.
⦁ Each member can sign in a maximum of six guests unless given advance dispensation
by the Committee or the Steward. The same guest shall not be admitted more than four times within a
period of one calendar month unless special consent be obtained from the Committee or the Steward.
⦁ Children shall be admitted to the Club premises during the times determined by the
Committee and in accordance with our licence. Children should always be under the
care and sole control of a bona fide parent or guardian
⦁ The Club accepts no responsibility for injury loss or damage to persons or property
however, sustained on the premises of the Club.
⦁ No dogs (other than assistance dogs) shall be allowed on the Club premises except
into the grass garden area at the back – right of the premises.
⦁ These Bye-laws may be amended at any time by the Committee, following a proposal
to amend which is voted on and approved in the standard Committee voting manner.
⦁ A copy of these Rules and By-Laws shall at all times be exhibited in a prominent position
in the Club.